Saturday, November 14, 2009

body of work/who we are

Brother West

We, at SAGE are deeply humbled an honored to have been included in Dr. Cornel West's new memoir entitled "Living and Loving Out Loud." My choice to paint Dr. West's portrait had nothing to do with intent on reaching out to him, but all to do with looking up to him as an example of what inspires me and wanting to share that spirit. Blues, funk, jazz, philosophy, and spirituality, right on. Looking forward to meeting face to face and having some photos of him at the wall, intimidated by the intellect tho, not gonna lie.

the wall that started it all...

Olden Ave. coming across the bridge over Rt. 1. July 2008, two artists approach a lengthy wall with no sketches and no prior experience collaborating. 5 hours, 1 rain storm, 2 generously donated beers from the bar across the street, 2 nasty home made bootleg iced teas served in glass jars (which i did not drink) from an old lady with things floatin in 'em, and tons of dead cans later this is what we did.
